The BLS allows you to be permanently flexible. If you want to increase or change, you don't have to buy a new bow. You can simply exchange the individual parts.
Another advantage is that you can assemble the BLS bow individually. You can choose between 52 different risers (materials and colors) and matching limbs. Each bow can be drawn out as smooth as butter.
Do you travel a lot? Another advantage: You can assemble your BLS bow at any time and store it in a bag. Even on a long trip in the car, it takes up less space.
What is BLS?
What's behind the BLS?
It is a closed take down system, allowing you as a customer high quality and variability.
Can I combine old Mohawk products with the new BLS?
Yes! You can combine old risers with the new BEARPAW Limbs. In addition, old limbs can be also combined with the new BLS risers - see exception below.
Are there any exceptions in combining old Mohawks & the BLS?
Yes! The first Big Bear version is not compatible with current BLS products. In addition, all ILF products from other brands are also not compatible, since the BLS is a closed system.